
FASCIA: Clinical Applications for Health and Human Performance

Health practitioners and body workers need a firm understanding of the significance of fascia in human performance. The role nutrition plays in fascial health, how injuries and diseases influence fascia, and the rehabilitative techniques to restore functional capacity of the affected tissue are essential components for improving performance. This book starts with a basic overview of fascia and its biological underpinnings, and progresses through clinical treatment applications, nutritional and pharmacological support information, and techniques for managing fascial conditions/injuries. Great book for manual-therapy practitioners including Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Massage and Athletic Therapists, Osteopaths and MD's.

                  Note: Dr. John Saratsiotis is a contributing author to this book

LITERATURE REVIEW: A Review of Compressive Ulnar Neuropathy at the Elbow

John Saratsiotis, Chad Robertson (J Manipulative Physiol Ther . 2005 Jun;28(5):345.)

Objective: To review the anatomy, etiology, and symptoms associated with compressive ulnar neuropathy at the elbow and to discuss the diagnosis and treatment of this condition.

Data source: The following were searched for information relevant to cubital tunnel syndrome: MEDLINE, WorldCat, and Index to Chiropractic Literature.

Results: Cubital tunnel syndrome is the second most common nerve compression syndrome of the upper extremity. Clinical features of this syndrome are described along with electrodiagnostic techniques that can be used to provide evidence concerning the probable location, character, and severity of the lesion affecting the ulnar nerve. Conservative treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome is recommended for patients with intermittent symptoms and without changes in cutaneous sensation or muscle atrophy.

Conclusion: A definitive diagnosis can best be made using clinical tests along with nerve conduction studies and electromyography, conservative treatment can be effective in treating this neuropathy in mild cases; in moderate or severe cases, surgery may be necessary.

Tip of the Day

TLF and chronic low back pain
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